Friday, November 30, 2012

The Ode To Movember

In honour of all the people that support Movember's efforts for mens' health!

The Ode to Movember

A few years ago some lads from down under,
started a movement that's now really a wonder.

To raise funds for cancer and other good causes
was the goal of these men from the land of the Auses.

A symbol was needed that men could wear proudly,
to shout their support both clearly and loudly.

Small at the first when it started down under
yet soon it had spread faster than thunder.

The first week is frightening with many new staches,
appearing on faces like childhood rashes.

Peach fuzz, and stubble, and whiskers, and more
are growing on faces as if shaving's a chore.

In Week two the whiskers continue to sprout
and bystanders now can be in no doubt.

Mo sistas support us while growing our staches
and occasionally don staches with glasses.

Week three is full of tickles and itches
pledges come in and so do the pitches.

In week four bro thoughts turn toward grooming
now that the end of Movember is looming.

There are Zappas, and Magnums, and Grouchos, and Dalis,
and Addams, and Clouseaus, and Smokeys, and Lannys.

The end now approaches with every stache measured
the donations pour in and truly are treasured.

By the first of December it’s time for a shear
so the lads can recoup and grow one next year.

Follow the link in the title to find your local Movember movement.
My Movember page can be found at

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