Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yummy Science Experiment - eating up the speed of light!

The folks over at the Orbiting Frog came up with this yummy science experiment. It turns out that anyone with a microwave (with turntable), microwave safe dish, a ruler, and yummy marshmallows or chocolate chips can measure the speed of light!

Whether they can do it without getting sick to there stomachs is another question :)

I haven't looked but I'm certain this could be worked into a badge somewhere. Cubs doesn't have a science badge, but Scouts do. Heck why should Scouts have all the fun.

Brilliant folks! We need more edible (or gooey) science experiments.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is fabulous - will definately try it out with our Cubs - they all just love marshmallows.... and to learn something on top of it all !! Great blog - thanks.


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