Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Emergency Preparedness Adventure - Photos

The 433rd attended the Emergency Preparedness Adventure Day and a great time was had by all.

There was an opening sing song, followed by the unveiling of the new Emergency Preparedness Award (Cubs) and Badge (Scouts). The Provinces Emergency Mobile Operations Center was there. And the Armed Forces communications and rescue teams too.

We learned about first aid and what to pack in our emergency kits.

The Fire Marshall's office was there with their Hazmat gear. The OPP bomb robot was checking hats too. :-)

There were some great giveaways including a very cool flashlight that could work on several common types of batteries. It also had feet so it wouldn't roll away. (Oddly the above link was one of the few local stores with the light on their web site).

Probably the favorite event of the day was the OPP response team's bomb watermelon disruptor!

Update: Some people aren't seeing the image properly. If the image above doesn't display properly try here or here. Thanks.

Update: If you are having problems with the last image, we'll look into it and try and fix it soon. I'll post an update when I have news. Thanks.Thanks to Baloo for fixing this.

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