Thursday, January 21, 2010

ASX Expanding Canada's Frontiers 7 - Jan 29th @6:30pm Toronto

The Astronomy and Space Exploration Society (ASX) is holding the 7th annual "Expanding Canada's Frontiers" Symposium.

Where: Convocation Hall, University of Toronto
When: Friday, January 29, 2009, 6:30 PM (Doors open at 5:30 PM, Reception at 10:00 PM)

For more information and registration click here.  Students with ID are free.  Public admission is $20 and can also be purchased from UofT here.

  • Prof. Peter Schultz (Brown), co-investigator of NASA's LCROSS, discussing his analysis of this mission and finding water on the Moon. 
  • Prof. Sara Seager (MIT), discussing the latest detections and theory of exoplanet properties. 
  • Dr. Firouz Naderi (NASA JPL), discussing perspectives on future robotic exploration. 
  • Dr. Narendra Bhandari (ISRO), discussing Chandrayaan-1 results and India's vision for space.

h/t Ray Khan

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