Saturday, July 5, 2008

Using feeds to speed up your browsing

Some of you may wonder how much time I spend looking at blogs and web pages to find gems like this. The truth is far less than you may think.

In an earlier article, I wrote about using web feeds for blog (and news) headlines. So rather than reading huge amounts of web pages, I can just look at my feeds and see just the headlines once or twice a day. That lets me read or bookmark what looks interesting and save a lot of time.

If you read the article on security excuses, you may wonder how I found a web page on a site I've never looked at before. I could have found a page that referred to another page, but I didn't. One of the blog feeds I subscribe to is the Security Bloggers Network which aggregates blog headlines from security bloggers. The only down side of this is that with many authors there's a lot of variation in what style and content that may not be acceptable to everyone.

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