Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hut 33 returns ... more Scouting connections

Hut 33, the BBC radio comedy, has returned for a second season.

In the final episode of season one, we find out enough to suspect that Gordon had been a Cub Scout, here. We also know that Archie and Josh were either in Scouts or at least acquainted with the Jungle Book.

In season two's opener, "The Royal Visit", we find out more about Bletchley's scouting and youth group connections:
  • Gordon was indeed a Cub and earned every badge but one. There's one like him in every pack. (Well almost.)
  • Minka gets involved with a Brownie group and brings her efficiency and unique interpretations to the movements principles. (Be very afraid Brown Owls.)
The entire Scouting and Guiding sub-story is hilarious. I just can't say more without giving away too much.

A word of warning to parents: Hut 33 is typical of a number of British radio comedy shows having some risque bits.

For more on Hut 33 see: the BBC page, this Wikipedia page, this comedy page, and the Hut 33 blog.

I can't help but wonder if we won't hear more about Scouting later in the series.

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