Monday, May 5, 2008

The 433rd goes to the Moon!

Yes, you heard it here first. It's true the 433rd is going to the Moon! Pack your bags, we leave later this year aboard an Atlas V 401 rocket. The trip out will take about four days and we can expect at least a one year stay. You may want to think about a few extra supplies because a lot of recent missions have run well into overtime.

How can a whole Cub pack go to the Moon you ask? Skeptical? Want proof? I don't blame you. Well here it is:

Just in case you want to send someone to the Moon, you can apply here.

If you want more information on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), look here. The LRO packs a lot of science and a high resolution camera too. It should be fascinating. And unlike other space exploration missions, we won't have to wait for years for results!

BTW. Has any one seen Alice Kramden's name on the passenger list :)

Update: It seems there is another opportunity to get your name into space with the Kepler Space Telescope that will be looking for exoplanets. For this you need to write a short summary about why the project is important. Perhaps we have another Cub Space Exploration project. For more information see here and here. For the entry see this.

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