Monday, March 3, 2008

Scouts in Space (not kidding)

I came across this article on scouts in space by a leader of 1st Avoca Beach Scouts just north of Sydney in New South Wales Australia!
Of the 294 men and women selected to be astronauts since 1959 to 2005, more than 180 have been Scouts.
and ...
Astonishingly, 11 of the 12 men to have walked on the moon were Scouts.

The first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, was a Scout and ...

What’s more, Armstrong had carried the World Scout Badge with him on his historic mission.

Update: At least 22 of them were women, here.


  1. G'day Mang,
    From Australia!
    I am the leader who wrote the article on our web page that you found.
    Hi Musca from 1st Avoca Beach Scouts and it's fantastic that someone actually does read our blog, particularly outside of our scout group!
    All the best,

  2. Thanks from Musca,
    1st Avoca Beach Scouts.
    It's great to see you read our website!

  3. Musca,
    From 1st Avoca Beach Scouts.
    It's great someone actually does read our website!
    All the best,


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