Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wakeboarding in February!?

This weeks meeting was supposed to be a tobogganing party at Akela's house. It just didn't work out that way. It almost turned into a wakeboarding party!

I write this now watching the tail end of the 30+ cm of snow we were hit with Wednesday, thinking about last Friday's snow storm that closed schools in Toronto around mid-day and left most of us digging out.

Enough snow to close Toronto schools is a rare event indeed. We had every right to expect a great tobogganing party. Unfortunately for our plans, we were hit with an all too frequent thaw and rainfall over the weekend. So by Tuesday night, the hill was fine thin but the 8 cm deep mini-lake of ice water at the bottom was definitely a bad thing.

Making the best of it, we went on a hike through West Deane Park Valley, slid down hills, made snowmen and had snowball fights. When done, we retired to Akela's basement for cookies and hot-chocolate.

Isn't it good to have a plan "B".

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