Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Carnival of Space

This article touches upon two areas of interest. One is communications and the other is astronomy and space exploration.

In my previous posts on ScoutBlogs, I was looking at ways that Scouters might communicate better outside of the hierarchies of their local and national organizations. I briefly considered web rings and blog networks. Another interesting idea are blog carnivals. They come in several forms, one of these is a kind of distributed roving online magazine. It's a great way for cross promotion. It also seems to require more coordination effort.

A great example of a blog carnival is "The Carnival of Space". This is a roving carnival with a central coordinator. An index can be found here. And if you loose that link, googling "Carnival of Space" will get you there in a pinch.

Update 2008-12-15: The Bat Page gets a mention in The Carnival of Space #41! This edition covers 22 different space blogs and there is some very interesting stuff including a 20 km/second catapult, a galaxy eating monster, and using WiiRemotes in physics.

One of the things I didn't mention before was that each new carnival is written and hosted by a different blogger using information submitted by others. It's fascinating and often entertaining to see the different writing styles.

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