Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Help Save the David Dunlap Observatory!

The David Dunlop Observtory (DDO) in Richmond Hill is being sold off by the University of Toronto. The claim is that the DDO is no longer needed and that light pollution has destroyed it's usefulness. The DDO is the largest telescope in Canada and has been making useful observations outside of the visible light spectrum for years. The DDO site is also used by the RASC and other amateur astronomers.
The site is of historical and environmental interest and several groups are actively trying to block the sale of the site to developers.
The photos right were taken during the 433rd's last visited the DDO in 2004.

Here are some links to some of the groups:

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Toronto Chapter

The Royal Astronomical Society Toronto Centre, has spearheaded a working group, to save the DDO. See their website for details, updates and at further developments.

Save the DDO FaceBook Group-Join the Facebook Group!

Save the DDO!
Mathew Calamanici is a concerned Richmond Hill resident who is making a concerted Effort to save the observatory.

A group of naturalists who are concerned about the environmental impact of destroying the Carolinian Forest that surrounds the Observatory.
Helen Sawyer Hogg, a Professional astronomer at the DDO for many years, was a founding member of this group.

The organizers of the annual Mount Forest, Ontario, STARFEST astronomy convention are supporting the RASC effort.

Queens Park Rally. (Toronto)
Where: Queens Park Grounds, Toronto
When: January 16th 2008, 12 noon.
An organized rally is being held at Queens Park (University Avenue in Toronto) in a further effort to bring more attention to the efforts of many concerned citizens.
This rally has been organized by Tom Karmo , in conjunction with the Richmond Hill Naturalists and other concerned citizens.

Thanks to Ray Khan for these links.

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