Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Crater to Remember

Today, Remembrance Day, we take a moment to remember and thank all of our Veterans, the fallen, and today's Peacekeepers, for their effort and sacrifice to uphold our way of life and protect the freedoms and principles we enjoy.

Generally, when we think of a Crater on our Planet, we think of the scars left by meteor impacts on the Earth. Lochnagar Crater is not a meteor impact. It is a lingering scar left by a nearly century old war and the grave marker of untold hundreds of soldiers from WW1.

Aerial Views of Lochnagar Crater
Lochnagar Crater website - Street View/Photos - zoomable map/satellite

At 7:28am on July 1st, 1916 the Battle of the Somme started with explosion of 17 massive 'mines' underneath enemy territory. Lochnagar was the largest of these. It remains "The largest crater ever made by man in anger".

Created by Allied mining and demolition experts over several months, the mine was packed with 27,216 kilograms of explosives, set in two charges 18 metres apart and 16 metres below ground. The explosion obliterated between 91 and 122 metres of the German dug-outs, thought to have been full of German troops. Debris was reported to have been thrown 1200 metres (4000 ft) into the air. At the time, the blast was loudest man made sound in history.

The total casualties of the Somme Battles are staggering and unthinkable today. Nearly 1 million men! The total dead and wounded, the Allies almost 624,000 including over 24,000 Canadians and the Germans with another 465,000.

Such are the horrors of war. As German Officer Friedrich Steinbrecher once wrote: "Somme. The history of the world cannot contain a more ghastly word."

Thanks to Richard Dunning for his support of this important historical site.

Hat Tip to Ray Khan for finding this.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Scout's Canada wins $100,000 funding from Pepsi's Refresh Everything Project

The votes are in and Scout's Canada "Send more children and youth across Canada to Scout Summer Camps" pulled into first place after an 11th hour surge.

Thanks to everyone who voted on this!

Click here for the full list of finalists.

BTW The refresh project continues with more funding. Check it out there may be other worthy causes worth your vote.

New home for the 433rd!

Our old home of 40 years at St Luke’s United Church at 516 The Kingsway closed in June 2010. We’d like to thank the congregation who sponsored us through all those years.

Beginning in September 2010, the 433rd has relocated to Islington United Church (at 25 Burnhamthorpe Road just north of Dundas Street). IUC has graciously offered to sponsor our group continuing their 50 year commitment to Scouting. We were fortunate to find a congregation with such a strong commitment and excellent facilities that include two halls.

Thanks to everyone at Islington United Church!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Scouts Canada and Canadian Youth need YOUR help!

It will only take a few minutes of your time to:
  1. Go here -
  2. Register once
  3. Please vote everyday!
  4. Help get the word out via email,  twitter, facebook, or any other tools you have.
Copy the originator when you forward this to let them know you’ve made a difference!

More on the project.  Pepsi is giving away 10 grants ranging from $5,000 to $100,000.  You can vote once per day for each grant.  There are lots of good causes worth supporting.  Many benefit kids. Check out the leader board for more.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

4th Glasgow Scout Group Web Site

It's been awhile since I wrote on the topic of ScoutBlogs.  I recently came across a blog cluster setup by the 4th Glasgow Scout Group.  The reason I'd like to bring your attention to it is that the 4th has put together a first class scout web site using what largely looks like free social networking tools and free hosting.
  • The blogs are hosted by Google (Blogger) and are likely classified as not-for-profit
  • Each section has it's own blog on blogger (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, and Leaders)
  • There is a single look and feel to the site - all sections are tied together in a common header and transition is seamless.
  • They take advantage of other free tools like Google Calendars to showcase events and gmail for communication
Using the same concept of a blog cluster a group could even have some private sections.

Well done 4th!

Check them out at The 4th Glasgow Scout Group.
And check out my other ScoutBlogs and ScoutReach articles.

I just have one question for the 4th, what character in the Jungle Book is known as SPUD?   :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

433rd Spring Events Update

Spring events are now posted for the 433rd groups:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

ASX Expanding Canada's Frontiers 7 - Jan 29th @6:30pm Toronto

The Astronomy and Space Exploration Society (ASX) is holding the 7th annual "Expanding Canada's Frontiers" Symposium.

Where: Convocation Hall, University of Toronto
When: Friday, January 29, 2009, 6:30 PM (Doors open at 5:30 PM, Reception at 10:00 PM)

For more information and registration click here.  Students with ID are free.  Public admission is $20 and can also be purchased from UofT here.

  • Prof. Peter Schultz (Brown), co-investigator of NASA's LCROSS, discussing his analysis of this mission and finding water on the Moon. 
  • Prof. Sara Seager (MIT), discussing the latest detections and theory of exoplanet properties. 
  • Dr. Firouz Naderi (NASA JPL), discussing perspectives on future robotic exploration. 
  • Dr. Narendra Bhandari (ISRO), discussing Chandrayaan-1 results and India's vision for space.

h/t Ray Khan